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A handipreneur in Deido-Douala/Cameroon

The fight against idleness, more than often for survival; disability is by no means a barrier to development for these new heroes. Success is above all a question of predisposition, relying on its potential, making it optimum, useful and pleasant.
We offer you a series of interviews with special people, who defy everyday life and make us reflect on our main strengths.
Close-up on Solange BESSILA, Call boxer at rue Kotto Deido, Douala, Cameroon, who tells us about her experience and her lived experience.

A mother, a struggling  woman ”
"My name is Miss Solange Bessila, single mother of two children and four grand  children. I am renting at rue Kotto in Deido and I have a callbox not far from the Presbyterian parish of this famous street.

I’ve been in the callbox business  for over a year now. My main activity is the sale and transfer of communication credits, in addition to confectionery, peanuts, sachets water and appetizers.

"I hold a Baccalaureate certificate  in Administrative Techniques from ISES , 2006-2007 with grade " Good ". Because of family difficulties and financial constraints and I  was unable to find a job corresponding to my qualifications, in addition to my responsibilities as a  mother, it was after a long reflection that I gathered my folks  to inform them of my decision to engage into  callbox business . Since I was not busy, I had their consent right away

This activity first allowed me to get out of idleness, the four walls of the house and meet many people with whom I have conversations. I became very popular over a period of time to the point where I had regular customers coming  from afar to buy from me.

 I hardly get bored; I am aware of the life in the city, stories of passers-by like the gossip of the city that change from day to day. It distracts me and I am fulfilled for the day.

I always beleive and hope that , I can do better ...

It is true that after my school career I had professional goals like any good graduate, another conception of much more remunerated work. I started this activity after the birth of my children to meet their needs and to take care  of the household expenses .

I do not earn enough yet but I am at my workstation quite regularly, almost Monday to Saturday from 10:00am to 5:00pm. What I earn is enough to take care of my offspring. And  I do interact very well with my customers.
Difficulties are in all activities, fortunately ...
 "Yes from my customers, you know there are customers who come knocking on my door only to buy my products from me when I am slightly behind schedule or when I am absent. Some help me to settle in the morning and come back in the evening. I give thanks to God for that. My neighbors consider me enormously. "

"But I remember that to get started in this activity, I had to convince my family to finance it. Once the funding was obtained, I had to be patient to settle down. The climate was too capricious, the concerns with my first suppliers and certain ill-intentioned customers who played dirty tricks on me. But little by little, I was able to make a name and an impact on the market  because in addition to selling products which is found  on the market, I sell my own cakes, sweet treats. Which threw me very far compared to my competitors who regularly ask me for advice, tips and tricks on my delicacies. "

The outcome of this initiative

"The results are positive because I remain the only call boxer in the whole street and in addition, no more worries about rent and financial hassles! I am registered in “Njangis” and I am saving a little for the future of my offspring, Also I  feel a little comfortable. You just have to look at my face which lights up as well. With this ,  I am able to manage myself and my loved ones thanks to this activity. "

For those who would like to embark on this activity ...
To my friends with disabilities, I will advise them to embark on an activity adapted to their disability, to face and not to flee from problems. Because when it comes to work or business, we both disabled and able-bodied encounter the same problems. However, we have a serious advantage which is patience and much more thought. It is a blessing if we succeed in using our talent. The look does not kill so, do not be afraid of that, on the contrary learn to smile and not to be dismal  because the greatest wealth is  self-esteem, respect and integrity.

To all my fans and my next friends ...
 I invite those who want to taste the delicacies and who need a quick transfer, come to “Mami Solange” at rue Kotto, in front of the Presbyterian church.



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